Water purification information

Why use a central water purifier?

Views : 70198
Update time : 2021-10-19 15:56:56
In daily water use, even if a water purifier is installed in the kitchen at home, it is inevitable that you will encounter these situations: the water in the bathroom faucet is muddy and peculiar, and the tap water is still used when washing vegetables in the kitchen due to the low flow of the water purifier.
Whole house water treatment
Relevant studies have shown that the proportion of general household water is about 60% bath water, 30% kitchen water, and 10% drinking water. The end water purifier installed in most households generally only solves 10% of the drinking water problem. The 60% of the water used for bathing and 30% of the water used for food and cooking are often neglected.
central water purifier
To solve the safety and health problems of water in the whole house, the central water purifier will be the first choice. The central water purifier uses activated carbon, quartz sand and other filter materials to absorb residual chlorine, different colors and odors and some chemical pollutants in the water. It is installed in the main The road is used for water purification in the whole house.

The core of the central water purifier is the control valve and filter material. The control valve is equivalent to the brain directing the operation of the entire system, covering the entire process of purification, washing, and sewage. Aicksn central water purifier, the valve head adopts a full-touch integrated intelligent control valve, which is convenient to operate, accurate in operation, without intervention, and the dual mode of time and flow can better meet the water needs of different users.

The purification effect of the central water purifier depends on the internal filter material activated carbon. The Aicksn central water purifier uses imported coconut shell activated carbon with high iodine value and a pure natural quartz sand cushion to efficiently absorb residual chlorine, organic matter and different colors and odors in the water.

When purchasing a central water purifier, configure the product according to the actual water demand, and at the same time, design the pipeline in advance according to the water point, so as to ensure that the later installation is more beautiful and the use is more convenient.
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