Water purification information

How to make your coffee more delicious at home

Views : 63763
Update time : 2021-10-18 11:34:01
When you drink a glass of Joe in the morning, does it taste water? Weak? bitter? Of course, if you just want to drink coffee, then the method you have been using at home is good. However, if you are a coffee connoisseur who desires complex flavors, then you may be disappointed by the efforts made at home.

Even if you think everything you do is correct, maybe your homemade coffee is not enough. Don't despair! Our cheat sheet will help you improve your coffee brewing skills and transform you into a confident barista.
Use whole beans instead

Are you still using coffee powder? Go bold and start ordering whole beans. The essential oils in coffee beans give a cup of coffee its nuance and complexity.
Grinding the coffee beans directly before brewing the coffee is the only way to maintain its expected quality. Even coffee powders from well-known high-end brands will lack these essential oils because they will evaporate quickly.

Buy scales

If you use a spoon and make a "best guess" on it, it is almost impossible to perfect your coffee to water ratio. Roasting characteristics and country of origin will affect the density of coffee. Weighing your coffee to produce accurate measurements will help you brew reliable and delicious coffee every morning.

Equip your kitchen with a simple scale so you can eliminate the guesswork from the morning ritual. Once you find the ideal combination of coffee and water that suits your preferences, you can copy your favorite coffee every time without problems.

Clean your equipment

If your coffee tastes weird, your coffee machine may be the culprit. An NSF survey found that half of coffee machines had yeast or mold growing in their reservoirs! Cleaning equipment such as coffee machines, milk frothers and other tools will extend their life and improve the taste of coffee.

Read our article to learn tips and tricks for cleaning coffee machines. Whether you own a Keurig or a standard drip coffee machine, our guide will ensure you have everything you need to keep your equipment clean.

filtered water
Your cup of coffee contains 98-99% water, so water is the most important ingredient. Unfiltered water will add harmful chemical odors, and water hardness and other issues will affect the taste and quality of coffee.

Treat minerals and other contaminants by filtering the water entering your home. An Aicksn water purifier reduces sand, silt, chemicals, minerals, and debris, so the water entering your coffee is cleaner and better tasting.

Preserve flavor

Fresh coffee beans are necessary for a strong and delicious cup of coffee. The chemical structure of coffee beans will break down within a few weeks. Try to order one bag of coffee at a time, and then move on to the next bag when you are done using it.

Store your coffee beans in the right way to protect them from air, heat, humidity and light. For best results, put your coffee beans in an opaque, airtight container and store them safely in the storage room. Keep the door closed to prevent sunlight from damaging your coffee.

Monitor temperature

Is the coffee in your home always impressive? The problem may be the brewing temperature. Ideally, your water temperature should be between 194 and 206 degrees Fahrenheit. When boiling water at home or relying on a coffee machine, use a durable thermometer and determine the average temperature of the water during brewing.

If your water is too hot or not hot enough, adjust the settings on the coffee machine. If this is not possible, it may be time to say goodbye and invest in a more reliable model.

Follow these tips and fill your coffee machine with filtered water to upgrade the taste of your home coffee.
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